Something you might want to look into: things you can take for blood sugar management (in my case, berberine, but also metformin) can interfere with levothyroxine. I’m coming off of a major hypothyroidism spell where I was super tired and lacking in energy for the past couple of months. I’m glad the fix is as easy as increasing my dosage, but it caught me by surprise.

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That's a great idea for a future post. So far in my research the main things I have uncovered are food disruption's, environmental disruption's and other miscellaneous disruption's. It is a good thing to know what medicines can inhibit thyroid medication or prevent it from working at all.

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Yeah it's kind of crazy. With my meds adjusted I feel SO MUCH BETTER than I did last week—like I'm a whole new person. Shoot me an email via my Substack (storycauldron@substack.com) and we can chat more.

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